(Scroll down for information in English)
Digital Leap -koulutusprojektin ensimmäinen taiteilijahaku on käynnistynyt. Hakea voi nyt ensimmäiseen kahteen koulutusmoduuliin.
Digital Leap on kansainvälinen koulutushanke, joka tarjoaa ammattitaiteilijoille mahdollisuuksia syventää ymmärrystään digitaalisista työkaluista ja niiden mahdollisuuksista esittävissä taiteissa. Koulutusmoduulit lähestyvät aihetta eri näkökulmista, sekä teorian että käytännön kokeilujen kautta.
Ensimmäisessä moduulissa taiteilijat pääsevät yhdessä alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa tutustumaan sosiaalisen median eri alustoihin ja toimintaperiaatteisiin. Moduuli järjestetään Prahassa 14.–18.2.2022.
Toisessa moduulissa luodaan katsetta tulevaisuuteen ja tutustutaan XR-teknologiaan sekä streamaus-välineisiin, ja inspiroidutaan näiden tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Moduuli järjestetään Vilnassa 2.–6.5.2022.
Moduuleihin valitaan neljä taiteilijaa kaikista seitsemästä partnerimaasta, sekä tanssin että sirkuksen kentiltä. Moduulien työskentelykieli on englanti ja hakemukset tehdään englanniksi. Lue lisää ja hae mukaan: www.digital-leap.eu
Haku sulkeutuu: 22.11.2021 klo 17 Suomen aikaa.
Johanna Terhemaa: johanna.terhemaa@danceinfo.fi
Digital Leap: The call for artists is now open!
Digital Leap invites professional circus and dance artists to take part in the first two learning modules organized in spring 2022. The modules focus on promoting artistic work on digital platforms and understanding XR and streaming technologies and the possibilities they offer for performing arts.
Digital Leap is now calling for professional circus and dance artists who are curious about digitalization to take part in the first two of altogether four learning modules.
Digital Leap is an international project that offers contemporary circus and dance artists learning opportunities for deepening their understanding of different digital tools and virtual platforms. Read more about the project here.
The learning modules are 5-day events consisting theory about and hands-on training in digital platforms from different perspectives. The topics range from promoting and presenting performances by using digital tools, creating new artistic works in digital and virtual environments, and learning how to employ them in a way that best suits the artist’s own practice. Experts of different disciplines will act as teachers, mentors and facilitators.
The first modules are organized in Prague (CZ) and Vilnius (LT) enabling face-to-face encounters with colleagues. The learning modules are organized in connection with a local festival and are therefore an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues and presenters from across Europe.
Four artists from each of the partner countries – Czech Republic, Finland, France, Lithuania, Norway, Spain and Sweden – will be chosen to take part in each module. It is possible to apply for and take part in both of the modules.
Module 1 – Promoting your work in digital and virtual environments 14.–18.2.2022
Prague, Czech Republic – Hosted by Arts and Theatre Institute ATI https://www.idu.cz/en
The module focuses on the fundamental knowledge of the digital environment of today, the largest content distribution platforms and social media networks, their specific formats and the algorithm phenomena. The module consists of theoretical and inspirational lectures from industry leaders and a series of practical workshops focusing on strategic planning and unique content creation.
Module 2 – What’s next in the digital world 2–6.5.2022
Vilnius, Lithuania – Hosted by Lithuanian Dance Information Centre http://dance.lt/new/en/home/
In this module the participants will learn to understand XR and streaming technology, and how to adapt their work to these platforms. We aim to be inspired by the possibilities of these technologies as well as look into future developments in these areas.
The call closes on Monday 22.11.2021 at 17:00 EET / 16:00 CET. The applicants will be informed about the selection in mid December.
Learn more and apply here.
Digital Leap has received funding of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. More information about the Erasmus+ programme can be found here.